
Sam Farren lives just outside of London with two cats, one snake, a highly accomplished crested gecko, and their wife. Their writing focuses on slow-paced, character-driven worlds full of necromancers, gods, frozen castles, missing princesses, giant lizards, and haunted swords.

With a focus on lesbian & trans/nb representation, Sam Farren hopes to create stories where people not often reflected in high-fantasy works can enjoy epic adventures.

About Sam & Elly

Sam Farren has been churning out novels since early 2015, having published more than 1,139,000 words of fiction in that time—that’s around 2,900 pages! With five more books currently in progress, their work is guaranteed to continue at a steady pace for years to come.

Elly Beck is a freelance illustrator. All of her art is available to view at her art blog, ellydraws.tumblr.com. She is currently working on an autobiographical zine about her experiences with CPSTD and trauma therapy, called Resolve. She also works on individual freelance projects, including Rezonite, a two-player fantasy card game, and frequently does art of Sam Farren’s books, having worked on the covers for Bitfrost, The Shattering of the Spirit-Sword Brackish, The Mountain God Sleeps On Its Back, and with more to come.

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