The Mountain God Sleeps On Its Back

Laslin Lonan, the most recent god in an endless cycle, must reconcile the inevitable changes in her mortal shell with her newfound love for a human woman.
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Print Length
523 pages

The Mark of the Gods runs from Laslin’s palm to her heart. It is the only true part of her; her body is a mortal shell, destined to change like all the gods before her. She follows their legacy, two hundred years since the last god brought peace to the continent, answering what few prayers remain.

Eight years after leaving the mountains she once called home, Laslin finds the beginnings of purpose in a woman named Avery. The rules she’d followed and etched for herself begin to break, and she realises she does not have to be defined by her divinity alone.

Once committed to her godhood and now in love with a mortal, Laslin must reconcile the changes creeping across her skin with the truths awaiting her beyond cliffs rearing over the Empty Ocean.

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