The Shattering of the Spirit-Sword Brackish: Part I

Devoted to becoming the leader her ruined country needs, Princess Castelle awaits the day she can wield the spirit-sword Brackish; an ancient relic whose rage bows only to the true ruler of the archipelago.
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Print Length
392 pages

Princess Castelle is the last of her bloodline.

Kept safe by the spirits bound to the forest surrounding her, Castelle devotes herself to studying all a future Queen needs to know, waiting for the day she can wield Brackish. The spirit-sword is her birthright. Only those worthy of ruling the archipelago can temper Brackish’s ancient rage without succumbing to it.

After half a lifetime spent waiting to reclaim her mother’s throne, Castelle’s frustration gets the better of her. After yet another assassination attempt, her disenchantment with her exile forces her to act. Castelle wanders into the forest, crossing the lines that have kept her safe.

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